Samurai Sabre

Samurai Sabre

from $59.00

- Excellent for the experienced guard member, as well as a durable starter sabre for beginners
- Handle and blade are indestructible and will not break
- All blades are interchangeable and have padded tips
- Handles are available in white only
- Three blade lengths: 32″, 36″, 39″
- Three blade styles: zinc-coated silver, plain white, padded white

Samurai Pricing

- 32″ White: $44.25
- 32″ White Padded: $51.25
- 32″ Zinc-coated: $37.25
- 36″ White: $51.25
- 36″ White Padded: $58.25
- 36″ Zinc-coated: $44.25
- 39″ White: $58.25
- 39″ White Padded: $65.25
- 39″ Zinc-coated: $51.25

Blade Style:
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